Four Steps for Adding a Membership Program to Your Pet Business

Interested in adding a membership program to your pet business? Memberships are hot! They are common in so many industries and have grown during COVID. The pet care industry shouldn’t be left out! We’ve helped many pet business owners to successfully add a membership program to their business. This addition can help your business obtain recurring revenue and loyal client members.
A few clues that your pet business is ready for a membership component include:
- You provide a service that is unique and rare in your market
- You currently run a wait list
- Your service is designed for the individual dog in a custom program
- You prioritize care quality versus quantity of dogs served
If this sounds like you and are ready to take the membership plunge here are the four key steps:
- Clarify Your Servic
- e Value
- Brainstorm a list of Membership Options
- Finalize Your Membership Package(s)
- Set Your Membership Pricing
To help you create your membership program we’ve created a flyer that provides more details on each of the steps. You can access a copy of the flyer here and find out more details on implementing a membership program in our video.