Recurring Revenue In Your Pet Business

Wouldn’t it be great to create a program that results in recurring revenue in your pet business each month? Planning and forecasting your income would be so much easier if you could count on a certain amount of revenue that results from the way you set up your revenue streams.
It’s easier than you may think and we have four options that you can implement in less than 45 days. The great thing about recurring revenue in your pet business is you make the sale once and then get ongoing revenue on a regular basis. The easiest way to increase revenue is to sell more to your existing clients. They benefit from the convenience and fun that you’re providing for them and their dog.
Following is a list of ideas that you can use to add a revenue stream in 45 days or less
- Groom add-ons that are put on a regular schedule (e.g., nail trim, brush-out, blow-out, bath, shed control)
- Monthly Club: Kong; Puzzle of the month club; Toy of the month; Treat of the month
- Trick of the month; Manners reinforcement
- Retail item features (key is an encouragement to buy)
Be sure to watch our video for more details on implementing these ideas in less than 45 days.
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