Pet Care Business Key Performance Indicators
Step by step workbooks to effectively measure the health of your business

Are you measuring the success of your business only by looking at your checkbook balance at the end of each month? Would you like to increase your revenue? Do you know when you need to hire employees and if you can afford to? Do you know if and when you need to expand? Is your business running at top efficiency? We will identify and break down simple methods and measurements to give you a better picture on the health of your business.
Whether you are a seasoned pet care professional or new to the industry, these 3 digitally delivered excel workbooks containing 14 templates with detailed instructions will give you a powerful tool in making business decisions easier and with less frustration. You will have empirical data at your fingertips to aid in making clean and concise decisions. You won’t need to worry about what your competitor down the street is doing. You will KNOW how healthy your business is because you have the data to prove it!
These workbooks and spreadsheets in part 1 of a series are a must for those using Point of Sale software systems as well as those who manually keep records. Your data will be presented in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Simple spreadsheets simplify your decision making process!
Click Here to view a sample
This is the only KPI product in our industry that was designed, developed and tested by Pet Care Professionals.
Created by Al Bowman / © Copyright 2018 The Dog Gurus

In this next level of Key Performance Indicators, we build on the metrics introduced in Part 1. These 16 spreadsheets are divided into three workbooks (Financials, Operations, and Marketing). In addition to building on previous metrics, this level adds in the marketing metrics of your website as well as those of traditional methods, including the tracking of how well your staff is converting prospects to actual clients.
Whether you are a seasoned pet care professional or new to the industry, these 3 workbooks containing 16 templates with detailed instructions will give you a powerful tool in making business decisions easier and with less frustration. You will have empirical data at your fingertips to aid in making clean and concise decisions. You won’t need to worry about what your competitor down the street is doing. You will KNOW how healthy your business is because you have the data to prove it!
These workbooks and spreadsheets are a must for those using Point of Sale software systems as well as those who manually keep records. Your data will be presented in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Simple spreadsheets simplify your decision making process!
Click Here to view a sample
This is the only KPI product in our industry that was designed, developed and tested by Pet Care Professionals.
Created by Al Bowman ⁄ © Copyright 2018 The Dog Gurus